With the planet in danger and then formally exposed to a series of difficult truths, it is time to do our part to reduce energy consumption during the two most spectacular seasons: summer and spring. Here are some tips to reduce energy consumption at home.
Set the thermostat properly. Did you know that the most simple and economical to reduce the energy consumption of your air conditioning system is well set the thermostat? The first thing you need to do is set the thermostat at the highest setting summer in which you are most comfortable. Typical settings are around 78 degrees F for cooling in summer. Set the thermostat and leave it at that temperature. Continuous adjustment of the thermostat can be very inefficient. Do not forget to switch the fan to ensure that the air in your house is still being distributed, which prevents heat and cold pockets from forming.
Annual tune your air conditioning units. Developed not only for cars, and you can do for your air conditioner. Studies show that homeowners with an annual service of their systems spend an average $ 30 less each month because of increased efficiency. The lack of regular maintenance is the main cause of system failures and costly repairs.